Bespoke Dentures offer a wide range of natural gender specific tooth shapes/shades and much needed solutions to more complex cases. You can expect an exceptional standard of workmanship with a fantastic looking high performing result.
Bespoke Denture Clinic offering Bespoke Dentures
in Middlesbrough, York and Darlington.

A Tailor Made Smile
Offering well researched, up-to-date and proven methods “Bespoke Dentures” can provide private Dentures directly to the patient, our CDT can take the time to manufacture your dentures and listen to your concerns, where much thought will be given to your individual need.

Clinical Dental Technician
Our Clinical dental Technician or CDT Richard Harrison CDT RCS. GDC registration number 156162, is a legally GDC registered and qualified Dental care professional, trained to provide an expertise in a range of private Denture services. From the very start, finish and aftercare of Denture manufacture.

Bespoke Dentures
Bespoke Dentures offer a wide range of natural gender specific tooth shapes/shades and much needed solutions to more complex cases. You can expect an exceptional standard of workmanship with a fantastic looking high performing result.
Toggle for more information.
New Dentures
Considering new cosmetic or private Dentures? Feel you’re losing patience with your NHS grade Dentures, and want a more comfortable, realistic looking smile?Suffer from a fear of visiting the Dentist?
Obtaining Dentures via a Clinical Dental Technician (or CDT) may be the solution!
Using only the best private materials, all our dentures are hand crafted by clinical technician Richard Harrison to achieve the most natural smile possible.
With over two decades of experience the Bespoke Denture clinic provides private Dentures directly to the patient, dealing with Denture based treatment from the very start to the final product – Giving you your tailor-made bespoke smile.
We offer well researched, up to date and proven methods along with a wide range of natural tooth shapes/shades to achieve a realistic looking natural smile whilst providing a quality product helping you to talk and eat with confidence.
We have won an excellent customer service award as well as the most welcoming practice award voted by the patients in 2015.
To chat with us about new Dentures without hard sell tactics call our reception for a FREE Denture consultation.
Denture Implants & Overlay Dentures
Working alongside one of the norths leading implantologists allows us to offer this fantastic often life changing service giving the ultimate in solving denture stabilisation problems.
Imagine no more need for denture adhesives again, no more denture related sore spots or those embarrassing moments when Dentures have let you down. The implants act as solid, securing points for our prosthetics which are hand-crafted on site at our Middlesbrough laboratory. Technology now allows implant dentures to be snapped on and off their fixings by the patient or permanently fixed – removal is possible only by a dental professional.
The advantages of investing in implant retained dentures are:
• It’s a cost-effective therapy – often not has expensive as you think
• A long-term solution for failing teeth
• Clinical outcomes are predictable
• Your prosthetic will function the closest to natural teeth
• Better chewing efficiency
• Lesser ‘denture’ on the roof of your mouth
• Your taste senses should improve
• Speech should also be easier and clearer
• Teeth will never ‘pop out’
• Increase in confidence and Self-esteem
• Can improve diet options
• It can mark the end of jawbone erosion
In House Completion Of Lab Work
Our Dental lab has been based in Middlesbrough for over eight years, manufacturing Dentures for our company only and also providing denture cleaning, repairs, relines, and additions.
All work carried out by clinical dental technician Richard Harrison, who has been manufacturing teeth for 25 years!
Full Dentures
Full dentures are needed when there are no teeth left in the upper or lower jaw. They are usually made of an acrylic base with acrylic or porcelain teeth. Full upper dentures cover the roof of the mouth (palate).
A very thin layer of saliva between the roof of the mouth and the denture creates suction, which keeps it firmly in position. Your facial muscles and tongue also help to keep dentures in place. Full lower dentures are held in place by the tongue and cheek muscles. As you get older, your cheek muscles may become weaker, so your lower denture can be slightly more difficult to keep in place than your upper denture.
Valplast Flexible Dentures
Valplast is the brand of flexible partial denture that can be trusted.
We can provide, where possible, alternative palates to the usual Denture base for more of a flexible or lighter Denture.
Advantages of flexible dentures:
- No metal clasps
- Designed to be practically invisible in the mouth
- Lightweight and stronger than a plastic denture
- Hypo-allergenic so does not contain the chemicals found in plastic dentures
Call for more info!
Emergency Denture Repairs
Denture Repair service at all our branches, with a same day 1 hour repair service at our Middlesbrough branch.
You are welcome to wait in reception whilst the work is carried out.
Chrome Dentures
These are cast metal dentures that a generally considered more permanent partial dentures, unlike plastic dentures these tend to have clasps that clip onto natural teeth making the denture more secure.
Chrome dentures are far superior to plastic dentures as they are thinner, stronger and in most designs we are able to have an open palate allowing taste and hot and cold detection to be improved.
Sport Mouth Guards/Gum Shields
Mouth-Guards not only protect your teeth but also reduce the risk of jaw fractures and concussion caused by impacts to the chin and mouth. A sports mouth-guard/Gum Shield is a must for many activities including Rugby,Hockey, Mountain biking, Skiing, Boxing, Judo and other physical activities.
Boil and bite mouth guards offer a false sense of protection and hard to keep in place so we don’t recommend them..
We are able to customise your Mouth-guard to match your team colours, thin stripes, thick stripes even country flag colours and logos may be included.
BPS/Suction Dentures
After being trained on relevant courses we can now offer the following products..
Affordable Dentures can Look Great!
BPS® Dentures are precision dentures that provide optimum function while eating, speaking or laughing. Using a modular and standardized approach to denture construction, the BPS® system follows strict protocol to assure prostheses success.
BPS® – Making You Smile
The BPS® denture system uses Ivoclar teeth to recreate the natural character of your smile. To achieve this, Ivoclar is made of three layers of cross linked or double cross linked acrylic reins that are known for their life-like effect and resistance to wear.
What Does the BPS® System Offer?
By using state of the art denture technology, the BPS® system creates reliable and beautiful dentures. Bespoke Dentures is proud the provide the following core components of BPS dentures:
- Stratos® articulator system
- Ivoclar Vivadent denture teeth
- The SR Ivocap® injection moulding system
By using these technologies, Bespoke Dentures is able to restore the natural look of your lips and support your facial muscles while providing comfortable, functional and durable dentures.
Three Core Components of the BPS System
Stratos 200 or 300 Articulator
The Ivoclar Stratos 300 is an individually adjustable articulator. With its newly constructed joint mechanics, all the important parameters can be continuously set. This includes protrusion angle, Bennett angle and immediate side-shift, as well as lateral, retrusive and protrusive eccentric movements.
Ivoclar Vivadent Teeth
For the first time ever, the Ivoclar Vivadent prosthetic system offers an articulator for complex denture prosthetics. The Ivoclar teeth are manufactured using a layering process that produces a natural opalescence. Lifelike characterizations, such as demineralization points, are captured within every tooth.
Ivocap Injection Moulding Processing System
The SR Ivocap® system uses a controlled heat/pressure polymerization procedure. During this procedure, the precise amount of material flows into the flask to compensate for shrinkage which ensures a perfect denture fit. The pressure created also optimizes the physical properties of the SR Ivocap® High Impact denture by improving the bond of the acrylic teeth to the base.
Further SR Ivocap® Advantages
- Complete polymerization – reduced irritation to the gums from free monomer
- Strength – Dentures are guaranteed against breakage for two years.
- Clean –the injection process creates a nonporous base and thus limits the traditional odour expected from dentures.
- Accuracy – due to the injection moulding process, conventional dimensional changes do not occur.
- Aesthetics – dentures appear as natural as possible
- Fit – due to extreme care taken during the construction of the dentures, a more comfortable prostheses is the result
- Normally BPS® Dentures require 5 – 7 Appointments, however the number of appointments could be reduced to four appointments only, but the time per appointment will increase accordingly.
What is the BPS Process?
- Consultation
- Preliminary Impressions utilizing the Accu-Dent system
- Final impression*
- Face Bow transfer utilizing a Universal Transfer system UTS*
- Bite registrations using an intraoral tracing device, such as a Ivoclar Gnathometer*
- Set up utilizing Ivoclar teeth is done on a Ivoclar Stratos 200 or 300 articulator
- Try in
- Ivocap processing
- Insertion
- Post insertion personalized occlusion equilibration
- Patient education
Items marked with an asterisk * exceed the three BPS core components.
Qualified & Registered Staff
We are a small friendly family run Denture clinic offering a wide range of Denture related services and solutions. With over twenty years of experience and training. Our CDT Richard Harrison (156162) obtained his Clinical training from the George Brown college in Toronto Canada and the Royal college of surgeons England and provides private Dentures directly to the patient in Middlesbrough, Darlington and York.
Every member of staff is first aid trained and regular attend courses to keep us the best we can be.
Within the three practices we work alongside fantastic fully qualified and up to date trained Dental professionals offering the best service within a dental team.
Relines & Soft Linings
Over time you may find that your dentures become loose. Our bodies alter shape slightly over time naturally, or for example if you lose or gain weight this will have an effect on the fit of your dentures. A reline of your denture corrects the shape of your denture and your mouth, producing a closer and tighter denture fit. Periodic assessment and relines are therefore a worthwhile investment. Poor fitting dentures are also more likely to harbour trapped food and bacteria and are more likely to fracture. Relines can either be in a hard acrylic material or a soft cushioning material, depending on the best option for you. A Soft lining reline is a thin layer of soft material which is permanently fixed into the denture and provides a “Shock absorbing” quality to the denture. The number of cases indicating the use of a viable, efficient, resilient soft liner is increasing. Many people had their natural teeth extracted at a very young age and with a longer life expectancy, they now have severely flattened lower ridges, making them ideal candidates.
A soft lining is mainly used for full lower dentures as this provides greater protection and comfort for clients that have sensitive tissue, it’s acts as a cushion effect between your gums and denture.
Fast Track Dentures In A Day
Lost your Denture? Where feasible we can provide a same day Denture service at our Middlesbrough branch- please contact us for further information.
Tooth Whitening
On prescription from either your own or one of our dentists, we can provide you with a home whitening kit to safely lighten your natural teeth – Price including 1 tube of whitening gel is £140 for either all of your top or bottom teeth or £250 for both upper and lower teeth, this can be done while we make your dentures, so if you want to have lighter coloured teeth on your dentures but are concerned your natural teeth are too dark and will look out of place, we can lighten your natural teeth so they all match in together.
Downstairs Surgery & Disabled Access
In all of our branches!
The Bespoke Denture Clinic can provide a full range of services for the initial need and continuing care for you and your dentures. From a full set, to upper or lower single dentures, to a simple reline, soft reline, or adjustment to keep your dentures in perfect condition. Our friendly staff and technicians at our state of the art centres can advise you fully on the best course of action for you. Call us now, or email for more information and to book your free initial consultation.
The Bespoke Denture Clinic can provide a full range of services for the initial need and continuing care for you and your dentures. From a full set, to upper or lower single dentures, to a simple reline, soft reline, or adjustment to keep your dentures in perfect condition. Our friendly staff and technicians at our state of the art centres can advise you fully on the best course of action for you. Call us now, or email for more information and to book your free initial consultation.
28 Borough Road,
44 York Road,
YO24 4LZ
21 Woodlands Road,
Co. Durham,